Brilliant resource

Just been playing with this website on the

There is also an accompanying iPhone app that does the same calculations for you… It demonstrates nicely that saving the small amounts of weight you can save by spending hundreds if not thousands on lighter kit may not be the most effective way of going faster On Your bike! Probably better to loose lots of body weight and increase your power output through training, stick with my current bike and keep my money In my pocket a little longer!

I can loose the entire weight of my bike from my own arse/moobs/gut before I worry about the bike itself I think!!!

It tells me that I really need to think about riding on my drops as well to increase my aerodynamic position can make more of a difference than loosing weight off of me or the bike first!

It also tells me that I need a power output of 183 watts to be able to archive my goal of 10 miles at 20mph with my 10kg bike (i guessed) and current body weight (last time i weighted myself) . I have at times produced higher than this in various rides, based in a few of my segments on strava and plugging the stats into the app, but doubt I could maintain that for the whole 10 miles!? But I can work on that!

I love the stats!

Here are Some screenshots from the app:



Give it a go!

About asclark101

I live in Buckinghamshire, working as an IT leadership and projects consultant. I have a passion for family, music, travel, cycling, walking, food, and food, did I mention food? I have a beautiful wife and two wonderful children. We share our home with Moby the Maine coon cat, and Cookie the Cockapoo.
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